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To Niche or Not to Niche

What’s your niche?

There are 2 common answers I get when I ask this:

👉 Uhh… Well, I’m in, um, you know, my niche is…

👉 I don’t niche. I help everyone.

How well do you know your own niche? Do you even have a niche?

Not having a niche is like not knowing how you like your steak cooked. When you tell the waiter “However it comes”, you might get a butter-soft, delicious steak, or you might get a tough, fight-through-it-with-a-chainsaw kind of steak. 

In a business sense, if you don’t know who you work with (or who you like to work with), you’re leaving yourself open to annoyance, frustration, & extra hard work.

If you’re an expert in a particular niche or you particularly enjoy a certain industry, it’s a no-brainer that you should go for those ones. Being nicheless leaves you open to not only stuff that you aren’t very interested in, but also clients whose business may be a little more difficult for you. 

There’s a reason I work with B2B entrepreneurs. I know the B2B world extremely well & I have a passion for business and helping others make money and see success. This makes B2B the perfect niche for me. Put me in the construction & home maintenance niche, for example, & I’ll have a bit more trouble getting motivated & offering excellent advice.

People are afraid to pick just one niche in case they chase some people away or miss out on business. The problem? You may end up missing out on business that’s actually perfect for you while you’re busy fussing over someone who’s not really a good match for you.

The truth is, you can’t help everyone. Which is why niching is so important—so you can help the right people.

Big pros of niching down:

💰 More targeted, more money

🙋 Can truly give expert advice

🌀 Build your experience in one thing

👭 Help the right people

So what’s stopping most entrepreneurs?

  • Fear of losing business

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking any business is good business! Niching down doesn’t mean you miss out. It means you can be more choosy about who you work with & you can charge more.

  • Hero complex—wanting to help everyone 

Superman is immensely strong & has a cool flying style. Spiderman can’t fly but uses his spidey-senses & web-ropes. If one had to try doing things like the other one, it would get weird.

In the same vein, you have strengths. But you don’t have all the strengths. Stick to helping the people you truly can work with & have a passion for. Don’t waste time & energy on scattergun helping!

  • Not earning enough 

If you aren’t earning enough working with people in your niche, you may be tempted to take on clients outside of your niche. This is an easy trap to fall into. The solution is to increase your prices, which you can do as an expert in your niche.

It’s time to stop the scattergun approach & niche down! Your biz will thank you for it.

What are you afraid of?

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About Lilach Bullock

Hi, I’m Lilach, a serial entrepreneur! I’ve spent the last 2 decades starting, building, running, and selling businesses in a range of niches. I’ve also used all that knowledge to help hundreds of business owners level up and scale their businesses beyond their beliefs and expectations.

I’ve written content for authority publications like Forbes, Huffington Post, Inc, Twitter, Social Media Examiner and 100’s other publications and my proudest achievement, won a Global Women Champions Award for outstanding contributions and leadership in business.

My biggest passion is sharing knowledge and actionable information with other business owners. I created this website to share my favorite tools, resources, events, tips, and tricks with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, small business owners, and startups. Digital marketing knowledge should be accessible to all, so browse through and feel free to get in touch if you can’t find what you’re looking for!


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