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The Guide to Instagram Shopping: 7 Best Practices

Instagram has over 2 billion monthly active users.

Imagine tapping into that massive pool of potential customers. If only there was a way to turn Instagram into a sales powerhouse…

Oh wait, there is! Instagram Shopping is transforming e-commerce, and you can be part of it.

Read on to learn everything about Instagram Shopping and how to excel at it as a brand. 

What is Instagram Shopping? 

For consumers, Instagram shopping means using Instagram to find and buy products. The concept has existed ever since the first brands started posting on Instagram to boost awareness, reach new audiences, and drive sales. 

However, real shopping on Instagram wasn’t possible until recently; customers had to either place orders via Direct Messages or leave the app to complete their purchases on a website.

This all changed in 2020 with the introduction of Instagram Shopping, the functionality that allows businesses to turn casual scrolling into a full-on shopping spree.

Now, when users browse Instagram and spot something they love, like a stunning pair of shoes or a cool gadget, they can do more than just admire it. They can tap on it, get the details, and even buy it—all without leaving the app.

Instagram Shopping is available to business accounts located in one of the 22 available markets


For those lucky ones with the access, Instagram offers a couple of nifty features to make magic happen:

  • Product tags: Ever notice those little shopping bag icons in Stories, Reels, or posts? Those are product tags revealing the name and the price of the product. A quick tap on these tags takes you to a detailed product page where you can get all the info you need and make a purchase.
  • Instagram Shop: A full-blown online store with a selection of products, categories, and collections within the brand’s Instagram profile. 

Depending on the features businesses use, Instagram Shopping manifests itself in five types of built-in e-commerce options:

  • Instagram Feed Post Shopping — Businesses tag products in regular feed posts. Users tap the tag to view details and purchase.

Source: @glynit via Instagram 

  • Instagram Shops — Businesses set up an Instagram storefront, a dedicated section on their profile where users can browse and buy products directly.

Source: @unnamed.nyc via Instagram

  • Instagram Stories Shopping — Businesses tag products in Stories with shopping bag icons. Users tap to learn more and buy.

Source: @madewell via Instagram

  • Instagram Reels Shopping — Businesses tag products in Reels, making shopping interactive through short videos.

Source: @rhode via Instagram

  • Instagram Shopping from Creators — Creators in select countries tag products from brands in their posts and Stories, allowing followers to shop directly.

Source: @aimeesong via Instagram

In the past, there also used to be IGTV Shopping, Instagram Live Shopping, and Instagram Guides Shopping, but the social media platform got rid of those features. 

Why Should Your Business Care: The Potential of Instagram Shopping

If you’re located in the countries where Instagram Shopping is available, it’s not just a nice-to-have feature—it’s a game-changer for your business as it helps to get more customers from Instagram

Incorporating Instagram Shopping functionality can help to…

  • Create a seamless shopping experience for your customers, increasing their customer satisfaction and shortening the sales cycle 
  • Enhance product discovery
  • Increase engagement with your publications
  • Boost brand visibility and reach, giving you more followers on Instagram
  • Drive sales 

What’s more, product tags can offer a great alternative to adding website links in Stories. The latter are believed to have a negative impact on your impressions and reach—Instagram doesn’t like businesses driving traffic away. With Instagram Shopping, the customer checks out without switching apps—a win-win situation! 

Still not entirely convinced? Let the hard numbers speak for themselves…

  • 70% of consumers turn to Instagram when looking for products to purchase. 62.7% of Instagram users utilize it to follow or research brands or products.
  • Nearly half of the respondents say they use Instagram to shop weekly. 
  • 130 million people interact with shopping posts on Instagram each month, tapping to reveal product tags.
  • 46% of marketers use Instagram Shops in their digital marketing strategy. 50% of those utilising Instagram Shops, report a high ROI. 

Now, what about the 50% that don’t get a high ROI? 

To really reap the benefits of Instagram Shopping, you need to perfect your strategy and apply the best practices. 

7 Strategies and Best Practices to Drive Sales with Instagram Shopping

Turning your business Instagram account into a bustling social media storefront varies from brand to brand, but it remains to be one of the best ways to make money online. Your specific goals, industry, and target audience will shape the perfect approach. Understanding your business’s position in the market, your industry, and your audience is key to finding the right mix. 

However, there are a few general best practices that everyone can benefit from applying. Let’s dive into them!

Turn Your Instagram Account into a Storefront

The very first step on the way to mastering the art of Instagram sales is actually setting up a shop on Instagram via Commerce Manager. But it’s just half the job done. 

To truly succeed, turn your profile into a cohesive, dynamic digital storefront. Make your profile a one-stop shop for customers:

  • Ensure all product photos are high quality and visually appealing. This helps attract and retain customer attention.
  • Write captions that not only describe the product but also tell a story or highlight a benefit, engaging your audience on a deeper level.
  • Use product tags in your posts to make shopping seamless. Users can tap on tags to view product details and make purchases directly.

Regularly update your product catalogue, configure the featured products section, and curate product collections to keep your shop fresh and exciting.

Remember, your Instagram Shop should be an extension of your brand. Use your brand colours and fonts in all product images and posts to create a cohesive look. Select imagery that aligns with your brand’s aesthetic and makes your products instantly recognizable, building brand identity and trust.

Source: @rhode via Instagram

Lastly, include a clear call-to-action in your bio to inform followers and visitors about your e-commerce options and direct them to your Instagram Shop.

Affect Consumer Intent with Instagram Visuals

Visuals are the heart and soul of Instagram, and they play a crucial role in shaping consumer intent. 

To drive sales, you need to create visuals that not only catch the eye but also inspire action. Here’s how:

  • Show your products in everyday settings, like a cozy living room for home decor items or a bustling coffee shop for trendy accessories. This helps customers visualize how they fit into their lives and makes your items more relatable.
  • Encourage customers to share photos of your products by creating branded hashtags or running contests where you give away branded merch. Repost these images on your profile to build trust and a sense of community.
  • Use the same filters, lighting, and backgrounds to maintain a consistent style. This reinforces your brand identity and makes your profile look polished.
  • Use short, engaging videos to showcase products in action. For instance, demonstrate how a piece of clothing moves or how a gadget works. This keeps your audience engaged and can be more impactful than static images.
  • Create videos that show how to use your products. For example, a makeup brand can post tutorials on different looks, or a kitchenware company can show cooking demos.

To make sure nothing falls through the cracks and there’s a balance among publication types, use social media scheduling and plan your content ahead.

To stay competitive, many marketers utilise an Instagram Story viewer to analyze competitors’ strategies and gather insights on how they leverage shopping features in their content.

Encourage Impulse Buying on Instagram

Instagram is a shopper’s paradise, but let’s face it, not everyone is ready to buy when they’re just scrolling through their feed. That’s where you come in.

Your mission? Pique potential customers’ interest and spark those impulse buys in your Instagram shop.

Here are some posts, Stories, and Reels ideas that can unleash the money-spending beast in your audience. Add these to your content plan, and don’t forget to include product tags and a killer CTA in the caption:

  • How-to posts: Create fun tutorials that need specific products to pull off. Show your followers how to nail that look, whip up that recipe, or tackle that DIY project using your products.
  • Trend lists and predictions: Share the hottest trends and what’s coming next in your industry in a series of viral social media videos. Highlight the products you sell as on-trend ones, making them feel like must-haves.
  • Limited-time offers: Promote flash sales or exclusive discounts to create a sense of urgency. Emphasize the limited availability to spur quick purchases.
  • Seasonal and holiday posts: Tie your products to upcoming holidays or seasons. Showcase gift ideas, festive decorations, or seasonal must-haves to align with what your audience needs.

Leverage the Power of Instagram Reminders

Instagram Reminders are a digital marketer’s hidden gem. This powerful tool helps you generate buzz and build anticipation for upcoming events, ultimately driving more traffic to your Instagram storefront and boosting sales.

Here’s how you can use Instagram Reminders effectively:

  • New product launches: Share teaser posts and stories, encouraging followers to set reminders so they’re notified as soon as the product drops.
  • Limited-time sales and special promotions: Create a sense of urgency and excitement, prompting users to act quickly when the event goes live.

To make your Instagram Reminders even more effective, design eye-catching graphics for your posts and stories, and use countdown stickers for added interactivity.

Engage with your audience about the upcoming event through polls, quizzes, and Q&A stickers in Stories. Provide regular updates leading up to the event to keep your followers informed and excited.

Easy the Worried Minds with Social Proof 

Even today, the “expectation vs. reality” meme thrives on social media because people still blindly order online and sometimes get something completely different. These disappointing experiences make consumers wary and hesitant to trust brands without some assurance.

That’s where social proof comes in. It should be a cornerstone of your social media marketing strategy, helping to build trust and confidence in your products.

Consider adding product tags to the following types of Instagram publications:

  • Customer reviews and testimonials: Share real customer feedback to highlight positive experiences. Let potential customers read about the good vibes from past buyers and immediately order through your Instagram shop.
  • User-Generated Content (UGC): Showcase photos and videos of actual customers using your products.

Source: @glynit via Instagram 

  • Awards and badges: Highlight news about awards and badges from independent platforms, especially those singling out specific products. 

By weaving social proof into your Instagram content, you can ease customer worries and encourage more purchases through your Instagram shop.

Speaking of recommendations… It doesn’t have to be just you and your Instagram shop against the world. You can join efforts with other Instagram users, influencers, expanding your reach and increasing your brand awareness

Offer Influencer Discount Codes and Affiliate Links 

Influencer marketing is the holy grail of social media marketing. Did you know that influencer-generated posts consistently outperform branded posts? That’s what 60% of marketers say. Plus, 90% of people are way more likely to trust a recommended brand, even if the recommendation comes from a stranger.

When you assign discount codes to influencers, it can become a powerful lead generation tactic as you can collect interested people who want to buy from you. Plus, it helps to affect the purchase intent if your bonus code is time-limited.

So, how do you harness this power? Choose the right influencer who’s a hit with your target audience and team up with them:

  1. Get the influencer to shout out your profile or highlight specific posts with product tags. This drives their followers straight to your shop, boosting your visibility and potential sales.
  2. Have the influencer recommend your product and use your branded product tag in their posts. This not only builds trust but also makes it super easy for their followers to shop your stuff.

Source: @overglowedit via Instagram

You can pay influencers upfront for their collaboration or sweeten the deal with discount codes and affiliate links for their followers. This way, both the influencer and their audience benefit—a win-win!

Run Instagram Shop Ad Campaigns

Investing some money into your Instagram shop can pay off big time.

If you want more exposure to your Instagram store (especially if you want to have full control over the audience attracted), set up a paid ad campaign for your featured products. 

Source: @blank.sunglasses via Instagram 

Need something even more effective?

Run Instagram Shop tab ad campaigns

These paid ads appear directly in the Instagram Shop tab, putting your products right in front of users who are already in a shopping mindset. The conversion is practically begging to happen! 

Ready to set up an Instagram Shop?

Instagram Shopping is your gateway to tapping into a massive audience and driving sales like never before. By turning your profile into a dynamic storefront, leveraging engaging visuals, using influencer marketing, and running targeted ad campaigns, you can transform casual scrollers into loyal customers.

Stay ahead by mastering these strategies and keeping an eye on new features as developers continue to enhance Instagram Shopping! 

Val Razo

Val Razo is a freelance SMM consultant who helps small and medium businesses establish and maintain social media presence. In her free time, Val also writes for digital marketing blogs to share her experience and get in touch with like-minded people, so connect with her on Linkedin.

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About Lilach Bullock

Hi, I’m Lilach, a serial entrepreneur! I’ve spent the last 2 decades starting, building, running, and selling businesses in a range of niches. I’ve also used all that knowledge to help hundreds of business owners level up and scale their businesses beyond their beliefs and expectations.

I’ve written content for authority publications like Forbes, Huffington Post, Inc, Twitter, Social Media Examiner and 100’s other publications and my proudest achievement, won a Global Women Champions Award for outstanding contributions and leadership in business.

My biggest passion is sharing knowledge and actionable information with other business owners. I created this website to share my favorite tools, resources, events, tips, and tricks with entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, small business owners, and startups. Digital marketing knowledge should be accessible to all, so browse through and feel free to get in touch if you can’t find what you’re looking for!


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